Re: [Geary] Server search

sorry, i didn't think this was a bug.
i thought it was by design.

My comment was a request, not a bug-report.
and i thought the list is not for bug-reporting, just end-user feedback.

i'll try to research before sending to the list, but my time is limited.
Plz consider that i'm simply helping out as an end-user. I'm not a team-member.

I'm guessing you already knew about this issue, thus trivial for you to ignore my email. i don't require replies to everything i sent to the list. Just letting you know.

if you'd rather not receive unresearched feedback on the list, no prob.
but then i might not be able to give much feedback.

at the moment i'm searching for the "Send" button, but again geary has unmaximized it's window, so everything to the right of the "Archive" icon is off the screen. But that's not a bug-report-- you already know this because i already reported. Just sharing my frustration. Sorry!


On Tue, Aug 7, 2018 at 9:40 PM, Michael Gratton <mike vee net> wrote:
On Wed, Aug 8, 2018 at 2:18 PM, Johny Why via geary-list <geary-list gnome org> wrote:
Seems that the search function doesn't search the server, only emails already downloaded.
Request: server-search.

This has already been reported in bugzilla:

Please search for existing bugs before re-reporting them, this would have been trivial to find.


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