Re: [Geary] GNOME moving to Gitlab... and Geary?

On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 1:59 AM, Federico Bruni <fede inventati org> wrote:
I've read quickly the long list thread 10 days ago and I remember that someone said that below tool had some limitations and they have or will have in the future a custom tool for migration.

Last week Carlos Soriano wrote a blog post which explains better the current situation:

In a nutshell, this is still a testing limited to a few projects. There are some bugs that need to be fixed and, most importantly, at the moment it's not sure that GNOME will move to Gitlab. Even if Carlos is confident of the improvements and the positive feedback so far...

I guess that we'd better wait.

It definitely looks like something that is going to happen for GNOME as a whole, so I guess it a matter of if not when. I'm currently more interested in fixing bugs, so am happy to wait for the early adopters to sort the wrinkles out first. :)

Despite that, if someone feels like stepping up and driving the migration for Geary to make it happen sooner rather than, I'd be happy to coordinate with that, so do let me know.

Well, the bug squash/triage party mentioned by Mike might happen whenever we want :-) I'm not sure how non-developers might help here. Finding duplicates maybe?

We have 728 open bugs. Here's the list sorted from the oldest change:

Oooh, yeah this would be really good. In particular, there's still ~130 bugs imported from the old Yoba bug tracker that need checking, and it would be good to go through the rest and check the rest for duplicates, flag as NEEDINFO where needed, ensure that enhancements are actually tagged as enhancements and so on.

Federico, would you be interested in coordinating the party by any chance? /:)


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
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