Re: [Geary] Responsivity issue on startup

Hi Amadeus,

On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 9:02 PM, Federico Bruni <fede inventati org> wrote:
Thank you for your response. Two accounts, Gmail and an email server from Brazil. Anyway, the problem I refer to is just the startup one. And it's annoying me so much as to migrate from Geary, but before that I thought I could take a look at the code and fix it. The solution I thought was to enable the interface to respond to user interactions, instead of showing the spinner graphic, by spawning a thread that fills the inboxes asynchronously. If nobody's working on this and it's accepted as a good idea I could take a look.

This would certainly be useful to look into and try to resolve. Two good first steps would be to file a bug for it in Bugzilla <>, then run geary from a terminal using the command "geary -d |& tee geary.out", reproduce the problem, then attach the log file to the bug. That may well offer some clues about where the problem lies.


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
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