Re: [Geary] Symbolic Icon

Hey Stephen,

I think the updated icon works much better than the one I put together originally, so I've committed it to master for 0.12. As you say it can be refined further in the future if need be. The symbolic icon does get used for the main app icon if people are using the High Contrast theme, so it's good to get a slightly more interesting icon for that as well.

Thanks for your work! Having some variations on the original made it much easier to pick a better one.


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

On Mon, Feb 6, 2017 at 11:44 AM, Stephen Michel <stephen michel tufts edu> wrote:

I went back to take a look at this, and I'm inclined just to go with the latest revision from when I was playing with it over the summer:

- I'm an amateur inkscape user without that much time on my hands. In order to make changes without losing quality, I'd have to spend more time than I'm really willing to, right now. - This is the symbolic icon, not the main color icon everyone sees in the software center. It's a *tiny* part of the user experience. How much effort is it really worth? - As we noted in the quoted bits above, it looks pretty good already. I'd rather ship that now, than ship nothing while waiting (perhaps indefinitely) for the perfect icon.

Note that the links earlier in the thread are all broken now. You can find the files referenced at


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