Re: [Geary] special folders, if not detected, are set automatically in geary.ini

Il giorno gio 21 dic 2017 alle 10:21, Federico Bruni <fede inventati org> ha scritto:
$ .local/bin/geary
*[wrn] 10:09:22 7,516294 default: imap-engine-generic-account.vala:907: Unable to ensure special folder GEARY_SPECIAL_FOLDER_TYPE_SPAM: Server reports error creating folder /Indesiderata: a021 NO [CANNOT] Invalid mailbox name: Begins with hierarchy separator *[wrn] 10:09:22 0,109463 default: imap-engine-generic-account.vala:907: Unable to ensure special folder GEARY_SPECIAL_FOLDER_TYPE_ARCHIVE: Server reports error creating folder /Archivio: a022 NO [CANNOT] Invalid mailbox name: Begins with hierarchy separator

I'm now using only my primary dovecot account now.

Well, I found a solution. (and updated the thread title to better explain the issue) While checking everywhere, I noticed these strange settings in my geary.ini file:

$ cat .config/geary/account_01/geary.ini | grep -i folder

I've never edited that file, so obviously Geary did it when I created the account.

First, I tried editing that file and leaving the spam_folder and archive_folder empty. But after I launched Geary again, those values were come back. Then I entered the right server folder names (spam and archive) in geary.ini and everything is now working fine again.

Why Geary can't detect these two special folders?
Why is trying localized names which might be wrong (as in my case)?

At least now I know how I can debug it: I can play with geary.ini and -d option.

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