Re: [Geary] Feature request: Browse mail by contact panel

On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 12:13 AM, Stephen Michel <stephen michel tufts edu> wrote:
I suggest adding a way to view a list of email addresses that have sent you mail **that is in your inbox** (of any account).

This is an interesting idea, but doesn't considering only conversations in your Inbox go against what makes the person-centric view of IM apps useful? I.e. that people that you frequently contact are usually closer to the top?

Consider people who strictly adhere to Inbox Zero: They would often find the contact list completely or mostly empty, reducing its usefulness. Others who have Inboxes that are regularly out of control (/me waives) would find it full of many contacts anyway, which makes limiting it to only the Inbox kind of pointless.

On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 1:16 AM, Marvin W <gnome larma de> wrote:
As soon as one of the "many" replies, it'll *also* appear under that person's header, with their replies expanded by default and all other replies collapsed.

1. This means that if you have a conversation with, say 20 people, all these 20 people will be on top of you contact panel and you would be required to scroll down for other people? That would be a lot worse than typical instant messengers that show groups as groups.

2. This also means that an e-mail full of addresses in the from-field (rfc 822 allows multiple addresses in the from-field) will cause the contact panel to be cluttered as well? Or how would you handle such an e-mail originated from three persons?

One way to address this might be to apply Geary's existing autocomplete prioritising to the contact list, which considers not only addresses you have received mail from, but addresses you have sent mail to. So in the case of mailing lists, people you have sent mail to would be sorted above people who have only sent mail to you via the list. Taking into account frequency of contact would help further.

If this was the case, then the scope of the contacts view could potentially widened to include not only just those conversations in the Inbox, but also Drafts, Sent and Archive. In fact, ordering contacts based on which mailbox(es) they have messages in might also be another criteria to sort on.


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

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