[Geary] Packages for Geary 0.11.0

Hi everyone,

With 0.11 out the door, packaged builds are starting to show up.

* For Fedora 23, 24 and 25: <https://apps.fedoraproject.org/packages/geary/> (Thanks Kalev!) * For Ubuntu Trusty, Wily and Xenial: <https://launchpad.net/~geary-team/+archive/ubuntu/releases>

If you maintain the Geary package for other distributions, feel free to mention it here when 0.11 is available. Thanks!

Of course, the source can always be downloaded from: <https://download.gnome.org/sources/geary/0.11/>


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <http://mjog.vee.net/>

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