Re: [Geary] port to WebKit 2?

Hey all,

I just wanted to chime in to point you to the work that has been happening in Pantheon Mail, the elementary fork/continuation of Geary.

I know that a native conversation view landed recently and I believe that included a WebKit2 port. Feel free to backport any of that relevant code, and if you see issues, elementary would be more than willing to accept fixes.

We should also probably talk about where elementary fits in with Geary's future plans. But that's another thread. :)


On Fri, Mar 25, 2016, 7:49 PM Michael Gratton <mike vee net> wrote:

Hey Adam,

On Fri, Mar 25, 2016 at 2:45 AM, Adam Dingle <adam medovina org> wrote:
> Mike, I'm glad we have a Geary maintainer once again!  :)
> Like you, I also have WebKit 2.4.10.  Unfortunately even with your
> recent fix for (
> I'm still seeing frequent Geary crashes:

I did see that one, and the crash when pasting (Bug 764168) - thanks
for CC'ing me. It all seems to be related, and annoying that we can't
even work around the paste bug because it's not a call in Geary that's
causing it. I don't know how interested the WebKitGTK+ people are in
fixing the regression though, understandably since 2.4 is supposed to
be unsupported.

> Hopefully we can find another workaround.  The best fix, however,
> will probably be to port to WebKit 2, i.e. WebKit 2.10 or 2.12:
> Do you think you'll have time to take this on?  It might be a nice
> little starter project to help you get up to speed on the codebase.
> :)

Yeah, I've been thinking about the need to port to WebKit2 for a while.
As everyone keeps on pointing out though, it's a big task (shared lib
with DBus API) and seems to have some limitations (not being able to
reasonably embed GTK+ widgets any more[0]), so I'm wondering if the
current approach is still the best way to do it any longer.

If GSK were ready to go, I would suggest that might make for a more
appropriate way to build the conversation UI. With a reasonably
low-tech use of WebKit2, perhaps with an individual WebKitWebView per
message, then we may not need much or any IPC between the WebKit
process and the main Geary process. We would also be able to embed GTK
widgets in the convo view, and further it would fix some weird
interactions with the current view, like Select All also including the
header chrome and contact avatar.

However GSK didn't make 3.20 as ebassi was originally planning, and I
don't know what its current status is, so maybe that means looking into
using Clutter instead?

What do you (and everyone else) think?


[0] -

⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
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