Re: [Geary] additional emailaddress

Il giorno sab 11 apr 2015 alle 16:00, JPS <mailbox jsierink nl> ha scritto:
Nice to have this new feature, but it is a bit annoying i can not set a default address. Now i have to watch out i use the correct one.
I think that you should elaborate more what you need.

This is what I see:

- when I click on "Compose a new message", the default From email address is the main account address (currently selected, if there's more than one account). Additional email is never used as From address when a new message is started.
- on the other hand, when you reply to a message sent to an additional 
email address, if you hit reply Geary automatically chooses the 
additional email address as From address. No way to be wrong.
I'm happy with this configuration.

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