Re: [Geary] some issues with windows

I don't know what you mean.

I tried again evince (v3.14.1) today.
The problem occurs only when a document is opened, not when you just launch evince and you see the list of recently opened PDFs. Don't know if this can help...

Il giorno lun 22 dic 2014 alle 22:35, Jim Nelson <jim yorba org> ha scritto:
Are all those applications using GtkHeaderBar in place of the normal window chrome?  That's the only commonality I can think of at the moment.

-- Jim

On Sat, Dec 20, 2014 at 2:39 AM, Federico Bruni <fede inventati org> wrote:
Il giorno mar 16 dic 2014 alle 6:11, Robert Schroll <rschroll gmail com> ha scritto:
On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 8:59 AM, Federico Bruni <fede inventati org> wrote:
1. Window tiling is not working anymore: I can only maximize/minimize, I cannot move the window to left/right. I reported the same problem for evince here:
This sounds like a window manager problem. Which are you using? FWIW, it works fine for me with Gnome Shell 3.10.

gnome-shell 3.14.2-1
If it's a window manager problem, why most of the applications work fine? I had this problem only with geary and evince so far.

2. In the accounts dialog, the window of a non-gmail account is too big and doesn't fit the screen, so I cannot save my changes and I must close the window with Alt + F4.


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