Re: [Geary] Little features requests

Den ma.. 15. des., 2014, kl 14:22, Federico Bruni <fede inventati org> skreiv:

This is already supported in the version you are using (0.8.2), if you first select the part of the message you want to quote.

How is that? I just tried selecting some text in your email and then chose reply to all. That doesn't quote only the selected text, but your entire mail. 

2- Add a keyboard shorcut to send message (no such shorcut here:

It's an old page.
Click on F1 and you'll see the up-to-date user guide of Geary.

And when you press F1, you won't find any shortcut to send email, will you? I can't find it in 0.8.2 at least. 

Sorry for the double post. 

Jo-Erlend Schinstad

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