[gdome] problems with XPath


I'm trying to write a program to deal with Glade files using GDome and
XPath, but I cannot get some things to work:

Glade has an element <widget ...>, which has children <property ...>,
one of them is <property name="visible">True</property>.

Using 'property[ name="visible"]/text()' as XPath doesn't work unless
I remove <!DOCTYPE glade-interface SYSTEM "/path/to/glade.dtd">.

My guess was that it requires a NSResolver, I already tried with:

GdomeXPathEvaluator *eval = gdome_xpeval_mkref();
GdomeXPathNSResolver nsresolv = gdome_xpeval_createNSResolver( eval,
root, exc );
GdomeXPathResult *res = gdome_xpeval_evaluate( eval, expression, wid,
nsresolv, 0, NULL, exc );

But it didn't work either :-(

As I said, it works if I skip DOCTYPE or xmlns on glade-interface, but
then I need to modify the document and I loose the
gdome_doc_getElementById() :-(

any ideas?

Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri
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