[gdome] problem with API gdome_a_unref()...

Current versions of GDOME and LibXML libraries I have, are as follows:
libxml: libxml2-2.5.4-1

libgdome:  gdome2-0.8.1-1

I am facing problem with API gdome_a_unref().

Kindly go through the following snippet:


int get_element_attribute(char *strAttrName, GdomeNode *gNode,
GdomeDOMString **attrValue)
  GdomeException exc = 0;
  GdomeDOMString *attrName = (GdomeDOMString *)NULL;
  GdomeAttr *attr = (GdomeAttr *)NULL;
  *attrValue = (GdomeDOMString *)NULL;
  attrName = gdome_str_mkref(strAttrName);
  attr = gdome_el_getAttributeNode((GdomeElement *)gNode, attrName,
  if(NULL == attr)
    LOG(LOG_ERR, "<%s> NULL GDOME attribute for atrribute %s.",
__func__, strAttrName);
    return FAILURE;
  *attrValue = gdome_a_nodeValue(attr, &exc);
  if(NULL == *attrValue)
    LOG(LOG_ERR, "<%s> NULL attribute value for atrribute %s.",
__func__, strAttrName);
    gdome_a_unref(attr, &exc);
    return FAILURE;
  gdome_a_unref(attr, &exc);
  return OK;


After running for a long time, my Server is crashing at call

I am not being able to figure out why is this happening.

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