Re: [gdome] Creating a Document in Fragments


On Sun, 6 Jun 2004, Luca Padovani wrote:

> Unfortunately your understanding of the code is correct, you have to
> load the whole buffer and only then try to load it with gdome2. A
> step-by-step approach is possible if you use libxml2 API directly, or if
> you try to make the guess yourself by looking at how the document begins
> (if I remember right a description of how an XML processor recognizes
> the very first part of the document is given in the XML spec.).

If I use libxml2 to construct a parse tree of the document, Is there  way 
to convert it to a GDOME2 tree?


> The load/save API implemented in gdome2 is not based on any standard
> interface. There have been long term plans to provide gdome2 with a more
> flexible interface but time-constraints and the likely difficulties of
> implementig such interface in C have delayed the project.
> Cheers,
> --luca

John J. Boyer; Executive Director, Chief Software Developer
Computers to Help People, Inc.
825 East Johnson; Madison, WI 53703

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