[Fwd: Re: [gdome]export GdomeDocument to global 'document' object in JavaScript implementation?]

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On Mon, 2003-02-10 at 19:36, Kang JeongHee wrote:
> NJS the C one, however, has a little bit of freaky implementation.
> I hardly understand how to put a new global object.
> So, well, may I ask you some comment for this subject?

the issue of the "global object" is not clear to me. Would you give
further explanations please? If it is an NJS related issue, I fear this
this off-topic for this mailing list. If it is more something along the
lines "how to implement a standalone javascript interpreter on top of
gdome2" then people here might have suggestions. To begin with, my
suggestion would be "don't do it in C" because it is going to be a
_real_pain_, especially for memory management. Unless you think you can
generate most code automatically, in which case all those ref/unref
operations are not a problem anymore once you get the code right.

There are several gdome2 bindings for languages with garbage collection
or a friendlier memory management. Those I remember of are: ruby, perl,
ocaml, c++, and possibly others (?).

-- luca

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