Re: [gdome]DOM 2 HTML . . .

On 16 Jan 2002, Shahms E. King wrote:

> After checking gdome2 out, for the express reason of looking at the code
> and seeing how difficult it would be to add  DOM 2 HTML and DOM 2 Style
> Sheets/CSS I noticed that there is at least a partially implementation
> of HTML, and I was wondering how complete/maintained it it?

  The CVS implementation of the HTML module is very old, not
compatible with the actual gdome2 implementation and not maintained.

  gdome2 developers are now working on Traversal Level 2 module, XPATH
Level 3 module and to a module to export XSLT functionalities. HTML and
CSS module will be added after Traversal,XPATH and XSLT implementation.


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