[gdome]cvs version segfault: unref doc before element

I've run into a problem with the new memory management functions.
Decreasing the reference count of the document node before one of its
elements results in a segmentation fault.  Here's a program that
illustrates the problem:

#include <gdome.h>
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
	GdomeDOMImplementation *domimpl = gdome_di_mkref ();
	GdomeDOMString *name = gdome_str_mkref ("TEST");
	GdomeException exc = 0;
	GdomeDocument *doc = gdome_di_createDocument(domimpl, NULL, name, NULL, &exc);
	GdomeElement *root = gdome_doc_documentElement (doc, &exc);
	gdome_doc_unref (doc, &exc);  /* DOC     unref */
	gdome_el_unref(root, &exc);   /* Element unref */
	gdome_di_unref (domimpl, &exc);
	return 0;

If the doc_unref line comes after the el_unref line instead of before,
then the program works properly.

I'm not sure if this is a feature request or a bug report, but it would be
handy to be able to decrement the ref counts in any order.

I'm working on XML::GDOME, a perl wrapper for gdome, and would like to
call unref every time the Perl wrapper object is freed, but I cannot
guarantee the order in which the Perl objects are freed.


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