[gdome]News(2) on CVS preparing 0.7.0

   I've just committed some changes related to the new memory management
system to fix some problems: now it's possible to create an DocumentType
node before creating a Document and the unref order is not important
(gdome_doc_unref must not be the last one).

  - Added the Tobias patch to use g_get_current_time instead of
  - Added the man page for gdome-config made by Enrico
  - Modified some gdome_xxx_unref APIs to fix problems related to treegc
  - Modified gdome_di_createDocument to fix problems related to treegc
  - Modified notationDeallocator to fix a seg fault and memory leak bug in
    the gdome-xmldtdutil module

Next tasks:
  - Work on possible memory leak
  - Decrease differences between gdome2 API behaviour and DOM Level 2 spec

I thanks all the contributors to this ml for their tests, patchs and


Paolo Casarini - casarini cs unibo it

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