[gdome]State of my work 03/14/2001

Main new features:
- CDATASection, DocumentType, ProcessingInstruction interfaces.
- DOMImplementation.validateFile(...)
- DOMImplementation.createDocumentType(...)
- Document.doctype
- new test-dtd and test-document update

Thanx to Daniel for the patch in SAX.c

Fundamentals Interfaces complete or nearly complete:
DOMException, DOMImplementation, DocumentFragment, Document, Node,
Nodelist, NamedNodeMap, CharacterData, Attr, Element, Text, Comment.

Extended Interfaces complete or nearly complete:
CDATASection, DocumentType, ProcessingInstruction

What does it mean "nearly complete":
Node: all methods are implemented except for "normalize" and "isSupported"
Attr: all methods are implemented except for "specified"
Document: all methods are implemented except for "importNode"
DOMImplemetation: all methods are implemented except for "hasFeature"
DocumentType: all methods are implemented except for "internalSubset"

Test program:
test-document, test-node, test-cdata, test-dtd

Next Tasks:
- Notation, Entity and EntityReference intefaces
- Solve the problem to manage readonly nodes
- Implement new tests

Scheduled date for the next commit: 03/18/2001


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