[gdome]State of my work 3/11/2001

All fundamental interfaces are complete or nearly complete.

Interfaces Completed:
NamedNodeMap, NodeList, Element, DocumentFragment, CharacterData, Text,
Comment, DOMException

Interfaces updated and modified nearly complete:
Node: all methods are implemented except for "normalize" and "isSupported"
Attr: all methods are implemented except for "specified"
Document: all methods are implemented except for "importNode"

Interfaces updated and modified:
DOMImplemetation: Added load/save/free document and implemented
                  "createDocument" method

Test program:
test-document, test-node, test-cdata

Next Tasks:
- Work on extended interfaces (DocumentType first)
- Implement new tests

Scheduled date for the next commit: 03/14/2001

Paolo Casarini - paolo casarini org

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