Re: [gdome]GDome's object system

On 12 Jun 2001, Murray Cumming wrote:

> Why does GDome use its own object system instead of using GObject? Please
> describe the advantages, if any, of GDome's object system.
This is a good question!

I try to answer even though I don't know the GObject Object Model into
- One of the target of Gdome2 is to provide a simple C API that support
  the DOM level 2 specification and I think the Gdome Object Model is the
  most simple way to do this.
- The Gdome2 user haven't to know or understand the Gdome2 Object Model
  because Gdome2 export only a flat interface made of standard C function.
- GObject have a dynamic object type binding while Gdome2 have a static
  one. So the Gdome2 Object Model is, in some way, a lighter object model.

Paolo Casarini - casarini cs unibo it

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