Re: [gdome]gdome object model

On 24 Feb 2001, Mathieu Lacage wrote:

> Le 24 Feb 2001 09:14:57 +0100, Paolo Casarini a écrit :
> > I'm not saying that the way objetcs in gdome are implemented is wrong, it
> > seems to be complete and good, but if a developer wants to implement a
> > gnome applications using dom has to learn and use two different way to
> > implement objects in C.
> 1) Users do not need to learn the object system of gdome to use it: they
> should not need to create their own objects.
DOM (Document Object Model) is to be used by higher-level application. DOM
give a generic object oriented approach to any XML document. Then it was
created to give to a developer a set of generic class  to be
subclassed to realize specific abstraction.

For example, if I want to realize an address book application I'll have to
implement a class "person" with some methods like "getAddress" or
"getPhoneNumber" and so on. This class should be a subclass of Element.

In my opinion, gdome couldn't be a simple C API library, but an object
oriented layer to make easy to develop object oriented gnome applications
based on the XML technology.

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