[gdome] Progress on the libxml-2.0 front

  The inner changes needed to support UTF-8/16 are now nearly done. The
encoding management while finished looks now in good shape. As a result
I started working on the changes needed to support DOM. I commited
some early work on the W3C CVS base:

  http://dev.w3.org/  module XML

  - unified naming among various XML structures, the infamous "childs"
    is now called "children" in every places.
  - started using similar structures for doc, attrs, dtd, elem decls,
    attr decls, following teh conventions from the xmlNode
  - the internal subset is now inserted as a node in the doc children
    list (what about the external substet should it appear somewhere ?)
    however elem and attr decls are not yet linked as childs of the
    dtd element.


Daniel Veillard w3 org | W3C, INRIA Rhone-Alpes  | Today's Bookmarks :
Tel : +33 476 615 257  | 655, avenue de l'Europe | Linux XML libxml WWW
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 http://www.w3.org/People/all#veillard%40w3.org  | RPM badminton Kaffe

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