Re: [gdome] Some commits

On Wed, Apr 07, 1999 at 08:19:17PM -0700, Raph Levien wrote:
> Ian Main wrote:
> > 
> > I modified to genereate gdome.c, gdome.h and gdome-xml.c directly..
> > 
> > Raph, I noticed you have done a fair bit of implementation work in gdome-xml.c,
> > is this the planned way to do it ?  When generating the interfaces, it makes it a
> > bit odd.  Using DOM1.idl to generate the interfaces didn't have the Parser extentions
> > from gnome-dom, so I had to modify gdome-xml.c by hand.  Not a big deal this time around,
> > but in the future it would be nice to be able to just generate the new files.
> > 
> > Any ideas ?
> Yep. There are two choices here. First, you can leave gdome-xml.c just
> the way it is now - it is _initially_ autogenerated by ifgen, but the
> actual implementation needs to get handcoded. You want to make
> generation of gdome-xml.c optional, no doubt, otherwise you might
> overwrite real work in gdome-xml.c.
> Second, you can have ifgen pull in the implementation from some other
> file. Thus, ifgen becomes a compiler for an object-oriented extension to
> C :)

I'm going to see about implementing this second option.  Perhaps just a file
with the functions defined that the generator checks before spewing it would
be ok ?  This way we could implement what we wanted, and let it generate
stubs for other stuff... basically it'd just be 'overriding' the stub 
if a real implementation existed.

> The generation of the corba wrappers can probably be done totally
> automatically.

Yep.  I'll work on this and exceptions at work tomorrow.  I tried to keep 
it from breaking (which I think I've done), but we'll see what happens
when I add exceptions ;-)


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