[gdm-list] Want blank screen to scribble on

I'm doing an embedded project using a Gumstix (Yocto build). Currently, I'm
using the XFCE desktop, but what I really want is no desktop at all, just a
blank screen that GTK or PyGTK apps launched from a command line or a
startup script can have complete control over. Currently, they display on
top of the logon screen, but I'd like to strip out as much as possible.

Is this something that's easy to do, without becoming an expert on GDM? If I
stop GDM, then the graphic screen shuts down entirely, and there's nothing
for my apps to draw on at all. Is the proper approach to create a "null
greeter" that doesn't do anything? (I naively tried setting
"greeter=/bin/true" in the [daemon] section of gdm.conf, but that didn't do
anything.) Or is there an easy way to get the graphical screen started up
without the rest of GDM?

This sounds like it should be easy, for someone who knows how it all works.


Ciao,               Paul D. DeRocco
Paul                mailto:pderocco ix netcom com 

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