Re: [gdm-list] Rotate GDM3


Create a configuration file that you will place in /etc/X11/xorg.conf

call it xx-whatitdoes where xx is a 2 digits number.

Identify your port name and monitor model name (you can see that with xrandr and in system settings - Display) . I for example have DisplayPort-1 but yours could be HDMI-0 or VGA-1

Create a Monitor section in the lines of this one:

Section "Monitor"
	Identifier	"DisplayPort-1"
	ModelName	"AOD 36" 	
	Option		"Rotate" "left"

That should do it


On 03/15/2012 08:38 PM, Feng Li wrote:
Dear all,

Can someone tell me how to rotate the GDM3 counterclockwise? I have GDM
3.0.4-4 installed on Debian Wheezy.

Thanks in advance!


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