Re: [gdm-list] how can I login without password access gdm

set your /etc/pam.d/gdm to (for example)

auth     required
account  include        common-account
password include        common-password
session  include        common-session

>>> leolzbing521 04/20/11 10:42 下午 >>>
hello gnome everyone:
       I come from shanghai of china,; used fedora 13 OS. I want access gdm without password ,studies pam,
but it's hard configure pam to me; so I configure /etc/passwd  file drop my uid line ,it can access gdm without
 password restart my computer,but do that is not security for my OS ,I really want to know answer , how can
configure pam login without password access gdm .

                                                                          best wish to gnome
                                                                                                                       china Ii


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