[gdm-list] modifying login process


I got stuck in a loop looking for gdm documentation on the wiki so I am asking here instead :-)
I have a project that requires a wizard interface for the user to 
configure system settings prior to starting the desktop session. I would 
appreciate some feedback on whether modifying gdm is the correct 
location for this process to happen.
The plan is to display the wizard when gdm starts and guide the user 
through a set of questions to configure the system settings before 
logging into the desktop. It's important that the user only has to login 
once and not to login, change the config, logout, login again.
Do you recommend modifying gdm for this purpose?
Could I run anaconda over gdm with auto login post wizard?

I also need to be able to force the wizard to display every time the session is dropped back to gdm ex. inactivity timeout is reached, user logs out.

Any thought or tips on making this happen will be greatly appreciated.


Patrick Shirkey
Boost Hardware Ltd

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