Re: [gdm-list] [PATCH] some pam related improvements

Brian Cameron wrote:
> Ludwig:
> >> Also, might there be a better solution.  We want the "Start Again"
> >> button to be active at all times except when the GUI is prompting for
> >> the first item.  Perhaps trying to set button sensitivity in the
> >> current GDM_PROMPT, GDM_NOECHO locations isn't the right place.  So I
> >> ask if the right fix is to rip out setting sensitivity or to move it so
> >> it is setting it more intelligently?
> > 
> > How do you know it's the first item? There can be multiple pam
> > conversations that belong to one authentication run.
> So you are saying that the GUI has no way of knowing which is the
> first item?  I'd think the first item would be the first screen
> or the first screen after any authentication failure.

Hmm, maybe after GDM_RESETOK.

>  > Anyways, with
> > multiple pam prompts the button is also useful on the first screen
> > to clear all entries.
> Right, but "Start Again" could remain insensitive until at least on
> field has a value.

Is there a style guide or something that says that buttons need to
be set to insensitive? IMHO it has no benefit in this situation.
Btw, is there any reason why said button is called "Start Again"
instead of just "Cancel"?

> Speaking of this, does the "OK" button need to be updated so that
> it remains insensitive until all fields have something entered?
> It probably doesn't work this way right now.

Maybe you intentionally want to leave fields empty. There could for
example even be a pam module that dynamically creates a user or
switches to some guest account if you don't specify a username I

> >> I think this change also needs to be made to gdmgreeter.
> > 
> > I haven't looked too closely into gdmgreeter yet.
> Since I am making the changes you suggest to SVN head and we are
> close to releasing GNOME 2.18, I would appreciate if you could
> verify that gdmgreeter is working reasonably.  Now that we're in
> beta I'd hate to release a version of GDM where gdmlogin works but
> gdmgreeter does not.

Oh, ok. I'm not familiar with the GNOME release schedule.


 (o_   Ludwig Nussel
 //\   SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Development

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