Re: [gdm-list] DMX Integration


Whilst compiling GDM I noticed an option for DMX integration. What
does this integration do, does it allow you to span your desktop over
multiple computers using the Xdmx server?

My understanding is that this allows you to run remote desktops in a
way similar to XDMCP, but more securely.  Also it provides session
migration features.

This feature was added to GDM in 2005 by Mark McLoughlin.  I was a bit
unhappy that he committed this patch without including any GDM
documentation for it.   I did get him to send an email to this
gdm mailing list which explains the changes and what the code does,
which you can read here:

I'm not sure if anybody really uses this code, or how well it works.  I
would appreciate it if people would give their feedback on this.  If it
is useful and people are using it, then we should add some better
documentation for the feature.  If not, perhaps we should remove it?

Perhaps others on this list may have more input, or we could ping Mark
if there are further questions.


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