Re: [gdm-list] help: Xvnc + gdm


Is it possible you are running different versions of GDM on the client
and server?


I have a friend who was using Xvnc and gdm, and it used to be the case
that Xvnc would connect to gdm and show gdmlogin.  After some time and
a few reboots, it now just shows a blank screen.  However, I see the
forked gdmlogin, it just isn't displaying.

I'm suspecting that gdm isn't able to display on the X server because
it's owned by me or root and gdm is owned by user gdm.  When I run
gdmlogin manually, it pops up an error dialog saying that the gdmlogin
and gdm daemon are different versions.  Only if I set
GDM_DEVELOPMENT_WHATEVER=1 can I get them to display.  I've tried
reinstalling the rpm, re-downloading the rpm, and rebuilding from
source, putting the GDM_DEVELOPMENT envar in /etc/profile, in a
wrapper around Xvnc, in a wrapper around gdm, and still can't get it
to display.

OS: Fedora Core 3
gdm: gdm-

Can someone please help me?

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