Re: [gdm-list] (no subject)

jonasmg softhome net wrote:
My .xsession is not being executed in gdm (it's executable and it has: touch /tmp/foo). I know that .xsession is read by xdm and kdm, not sure if is read by gdm too.
Thanks in advance!

First of all, you need to know what session you are starting. GDM sessions normally live in /usr/share/xsessions. You'll notice that
the session file that you are using has an "Exec" or "TryExec" line
in it.  That's the command that gets executed when you start your
session.  Various distributions may have customized how these
desktop files start up your session, so you'll need to take a look
at the scripts that get started when starting your session and see
if they will access your $HOME/.xsession script, and how they do

If your distro is using the default GDM Xsession script that is
normally installed to /etc/gdm (or /etc/X11/gdm), then you'll
notice that it only will access your .xsession script if the
Xsession script is called with the "custom" argument.  You may need
to create a new .desktop file (give it a different name and description)
and pass "custom" as the 1st argument to the Xsession script, and I
think it will work the way you want.

It's probably a bit dumb that GDM doesn't allow you to use your
.xsession script with less hacking.  If someone wanted to make GDM
smarter about how it handles the user's $HOME/.xsession file, then
I'd accept a patch.

Let me know if you have success or not.


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