Re: Cybercafe login-logout

On Fri, March 18, 2005 20:22, Bob Doolittle said:
> Check out
> -Bob

Thanks for the tip, and I already encountered idled, but the problem is,
it only solves part of the tasks.
A special feature will be needed as an option on the login window, to
recharge the account with an unused login/pass pair (this way the user
keeps his/her home). This already involves modifying the login screen,
that's why I thought about putting almost the whole thing in gdm.
One more thing needed is that when the terminal is locked, it should
provide the same login screen as when it has no user logged in (naturally
except the "This workstation is locked" text). I know that this can be
done by making a login window to look like gdm's, but this seems way too a
hack solution.

So as I still don't really know where to start with the code any
comments/thoughts are welcome.

Thanks for the patience

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