Re: GDM maintainership


I would be happy to help out with coordinating patches and doing releases.
I probably wouldn't have much additional time to do more coding/bughunting,

As some of you might have noticed, I have not really worked much on GDM
lately and only did very needed updates and releases.  I've also been WAAAAY
behind on my GDM mail, with my response time being weeks if not months.  Also
I can't remeber the last time I've looked hard at bugzilla.

The problem is this: I don't have that much free time these days with my phd
studies and teaching duties taking up most of my time.

I've hoped that in the last year or so that someone would step up and start
hacking on GDM so that I could quietly dump maintainership on that person.
Alas, that has not happened.  So I'm asking if anyone is willing to take over
the reins.  That is I'm asking if anyone is willing to do the work of at
least coordinating patches and doing releases and such.

Overall, GDM is not that much work if you just want to maintain it.  There
are a few odd issues here and there, but overall it's pretty much a finished
piece of software.  That doesn't mean that there aren't things which could
be drastically changed, or large cool features that can't be added, just that
overall it's not really missing much needed functionality.

On the flipside, hacking on GDM causes severe brain damage due to misbehaving
X servers and PAM idiocy.  But it's fun.  Really.  Oh yeah, it's full of
really wonderful code that at first glance might seem really weird, but most
of the time there is some obscure reason why it's there.  And with GDM,
obscure can mean: "if this is not there, anyone can log in as root" and such.
Also if GDM breaks it's not like the user can go to a menu and relaunch the
program.  If GDM breaks, then a non-technical user will have a large useless
brick sitting under his/her table instead of a computer.

Hope I haven't scared anyone.  I'll still be around to answer questions, I
just don't think I'll have the time to do much
coding/bughunting/testing/releasing etc...



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