[help] gdm graphics greeter hack.

hi, George & Alex

I'm doing a hack on the gdm's graphics greeter, based on the gdm-

I've added :

1) my-pw-entry: a common entry widget,
2) user-box: a full canvas based area to list all avilable use in the
system, ( like the user-list but it's not a tree-view)
3) user-items: evry user-item is a image of a real user, it contents
user's header image, login name. all user-items were placed in user-box.
4) clip-box: it's a canvas clip group, I use it to implement a scroll
area for user-box .( when user number is large, we must use it ).

now I hide the original "user-pw-entry", and let user click on the
user-item, then I show "my-pw-entry" and let user to entry password for
the clicked user-item's user.

I used the follow 2 ways to authentication user after user entered
passwd and pressed "enter" :

1) pass user to the original "user-pw-entry", then emit a "acitvate"
event for the original "user-pw-entry", then pass the password in the
same way.

2) ignore original "user-pw-entry", directly print user's name and
passwd like the user_pw_activate(...) does. but I failed in the both
ways. I checked the value passwd to the original "user-pw-entry", the
callback func user_pw_activate(...), the are all right. why a user can't
authened by such way? what happen behind the printf("%c%s\\n", STX,
tmp);" in the user_pw_activate(...), and what happend when username was

the follow codes is my major authentication function after user enter
password in my-pw-entry

void greeter_cc_user_pw_entry_enter_enter(gchar *name, gchar *passwd)
GreeterItemInfo *pw_entry;
GtkWidget *entry;
gchar *tmp;

g_return_if_fail (name != NULL);

pw_entry = greeter_lookup_id("user-pw-entry");
if (pw_entry != NULL)

entry = GNOME_CANVAS_WIDGET(pw_entry->item)->widget;

gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(entry), "");
gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(entry), g_strdup(name));
g_signal_emit_by_name(entry, "activate", g_strdup(name));

printf ("%c\n", STX);
fflush (stdout);

gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(entry), "");
gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(entry), g_strdup(passwd));
g_signal_emit_by_name(entry, "activate", g_strdup(passwd));

tmp = ve_locale_from_utf8 (name);
printf("%c%s\n", STX, tmp);

tmp = ve_locale_from_utf8 (passwd);
printf("%c%s\n", STX, tmp);

set_debug_info_str(g_strdup_printf("%s : %s", name, passwd));

any comments plz.

|    /_\  __     
|   // \ //\\    Yang Hong < yanghong /-\T ccoss () com () cn>
|  //  @   //  
|  \\// \_//     Co-Create OpenSource Software CO.,Ltd.
|   ``  \_/      GNU/Linux , Thunderbird Powered

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