[PATCH] get text for labels from output of pipe-d programs

Hi all,

The XML system for gdm screen definition is so clever that I thought I would take advantage of it to display some stats about my inbox.

So I added some generic support for receiving the information to put in a label from a script. So I have modified greeter_parser.c to recognize a new XML element (module) like this
<module type="script" exe="/usr/share/gdm/scripts/popinfo.pl"/>
instead of the text element
and get the text from the output of the provided script....

I provide in the email the:
- unified diff patch from
- sample popinfo.pl
- modification to circles.xml to use the provided script.

Have fun designing you own very personalised and dynamic first screen !

I am waiting for comments. The next step I am aiming at is to add
some way to change the info shown dynamically through shared libraries
that would plug-into the graphical greeter (first step, move the clock
to this new model)

--- greeter_parser.c	2003-01-03 03:06:50.000000000 +0900
+++ ../../../gdm-	2003-01-26 16:56:47.000000000 +0900
@@ -987,6 +987,94 @@
+static gboolean 
+parse_module (xmlNodePtr       node,
+	      GreeterItemInfo *info,
+	      char     **translated_text,
+	      gint      *translation_score,	     
+	      GError         **error)
+  xmlChar *prop;
+  prop = xmlGetProp (node, "type");
+  if (prop && (strcmp(prop,"script") == 0))
+    {
+      xmlFree(prop);
+      gchar *text;
+      const guint textbuffersize = 1024;
+      guint textsize=0;
+      guint buffersize = textbuffersize;
+      if (! (text = g_malloc(buffersize)))
+	{
+	return FALSE;
+	}
+      prop = xmlGetProp (node,"exe");
+      FILE *script;
+      script=popen(prop, "r");
+      xmlFree(prop);
+      if (!script)
+	{
+	g_set_error (error,
+		     "Could not open script in module");
+	  g_free(text);
+	  return FALSE;
+	}
+      else
+	{
+	  while (1)
+	    {
+	      gint read;
+	      gchar *ptext = &text[textsize];
+	      guint leftinbuffer=buffersize-textsize;
+	      read = fread(ptext,sizeof(gchar),leftinbuffer-1,script);
+	      textsize+=read;
+	      gboolean scripteof = feof(script);
+	      if ((read == (leftinbuffer-1)) && !scripteof)
+	        {
+		  /* we might need more space -- reallocate text */
+		  buffersize *= 2;
+		  text = g_realloc(text,buffersize);
+		  if (!text)
+		    {
+		      pclose(script);
+		      return FALSE;
+		    }
+		}
+	      if (scripteof)
+		{
+		break;
+		}
+	    }
+	  text[textsize]='\0';
+ 	  pclose(script);
+	  *translated_text =  text;
+	  *translation_score = -1;
+	  return TRUE;
+	}
+    }
+  else if (strcmp (prop,"plug-in") == 0)
+    {
+      /* not yet supported sorry */
+      xmlFree(prop);
+	g_set_error (error,
+		     "Plug-ins not yet supported");
+      return FALSE;
+    }
+  return FALSE;
 static gboolean
 parse_label (xmlNodePtr        node,
 	     GreeterItemInfo  *info,
@@ -1029,6 +1117,12 @@
 	  if (!parse_stock (child, &translated_text, &translation_score, error))
 	    return FALSE;
+      else if (child->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE &&
+		      strcmp (child->name, "module") == 0)
+	{
+	  if (!parse_module (child, info, &translated_text,&translation_score,error))
+	    return FALSE; 
+	}
       else if (strcmp (child->name, "show") == 0)
 	  if (!parse_show (child, info, error))

use Net::POP3;

my $mail_server = 'www.xxxxxxxxxx.com';
my $username = 'xxxx';
my $password = 'xxxxxxxxxx';

my $pop = Net::POP3->new($mail_server,Timeout => 10);
if (!$pop)
  print "<i>No connection to server</i>";
  exit 0;
$pop->login($username, $password)
    or exit 2;
my $messages = $pop->list
    or exit 3;

my $count=scalar(keys %$messages);
if ($count)
	my $totalbytes=0;
		foreach (keys %$messages)
		$totalbytes += $$messages{$_};
	my $kb=int($totalbytes/1024);
	my $message = "message";
	$message.="s" if ($count>1);
	print "$count $message ($kb kbytes) for xxxxxxx";
	print "No message for xxxxxxx";
print "\n";
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE greeter SYSTEM "greeter.dtd">
  <item type="svg">
    <normal file="background.svg"/>
    <pos x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="-75"/>
  <item type="rect">
    <normal color="#000000"/>
    <pos x="0" y="-75" width="100%" height="75"/>
      <item type="rect">
        <normal color="#ffffff"/>
        <pos x="0" y="4" width="100%" height="100%"/>
        <box orientation="horizontal" spacing="10" xpadding="10">
          <item type="rect" id="language_button" button="true">
            <normal color="#ffffff"/>
	    <pos y="50%" anchor="w" width="box" height="box"/>
            <box orientation="horizontal" spacing="10" xpadding="10">
	      <item type="pixmap">
	        <normal file="options.png" tint="#dddddd"/>
	        <prelight file="options.png"/>
	        <active file="options.png" tint="#ff0000"/>
	        <pos y="50%" anchor="w"/>
	      <item type="label">
	        <normal color="#000000" font="Sans 14"/>
		<prelight color="#666666" font="Sans 14"/>
		<active color="#ff0000" font="Sans 14"/>
	        <pos y="50%" anchor="w"/>
		<!-- Stock label for: _Language -->
		<stock type="language"/>
		<!-- Kept for compatibility with older gdm versions -->
		<text xml:lang="am">á??á??á?? (_L)</text>
		<text xml:lang="be">_Ð?ова</text>
		<text xml:lang="bg">_Ð?зик</text>
		<text xml:lang="ca">_Llengua</text>
		<text xml:lang="cs">_Jazyk</text>
		<text xml:lang="da">S_prog</text>
		<text xml:lang="de">S_prache</text>
		<text xml:lang="el">Î?_λÏ?Ï?Ï?α</text>
		<text xml:lang="es">_Idioma</text>
		<text xml:lang="et">_Keel</text>
		<text xml:lang="fi">_Kieli</text>
		<text xml:lang="fr">_Langue</text>
		<text xml:lang="gl">_Lingua</text>
		<text xml:lang="he">_שפ×?</text>
		<text xml:lang="hu">_Nyelv</text>
		<text xml:lang="ja">��(_L)</text>
		<text xml:lang="ko">��(_L)</text>
		<text xml:lang="lt">_Kalba</text>
		<text xml:lang="lv">_Valoda</text>
		<text xml:lang="ms">_Bahasa</text>
		<text xml:lang="nl">_Taal</text>
		<text xml:lang="no">S_pråk</text>
		<text xml:lang="pl">_JÄ?zyk</text>
		<text xml:lang="pt">_Idioma</text>
		<text xml:lang="pt_BR">_Idioma</text>
		<text xml:lang="ro">_Limbã</text>
		<text xml:lang="ru">_ЯзÑ?к</text>
		<text xml:lang="sk">_Jazyk</text>
		<text xml:lang="sl">_Jezik</text>
		<text xml:lang="sv">S_pråk</text>
		<text xml:lang="vi">N_gôn ngữ</text>
		<text xml:lang="zh_CN">语�(_L)</text>
		<text xml:lang="zh_TW">��(_L)</text>
          <item type="rect" id="session_button" button="true">
            <normal color="#ffffff"/>
	    <pos y="50%" anchor="w" width="box" height="box"/>
            <box orientation="horizontal" spacing="10" xpadding="10">
	      <item type="pixmap">
	        <normal file="help.png" tint="#dddddd"/>
	        <prelight file="help.png"/>
	        <active file="help.png" tint="#ff0000"/>
	        <pos y="50%" anchor="w"/>
	      <item type="label">
	        <normal color="#000000" font="Sans 14"/>
		<prelight color="#666666" font="Sans 14"/>
		<active color="#ff0000" font="Sans 14"/>
	        <pos y="50%" anchor="w"/>
		<!-- Stock label for: _Session -->
		<stock type="session"/>
		<!-- Kept for compatibility with older gdm versions -->
		<text xml:lang="am">á?­á??á?? á??á?? (_S)</text>
		<text xml:lang="be">_СÑ?анÑ?</text>
		<text xml:lang="bg">_СеÑ?иÑ?</text>
		<text xml:lang="ca">_Sessió</text>
		<text xml:lang="cs">_Sezení</text>
		<text xml:lang="da">_Session</text>
		<text xml:lang="de">_Sitzung</text>
		<text xml:lang="el">ΣÏ?νε_δÏ?ία</text>
		<text xml:lang="es">_Sesión</text>
		<text xml:lang="et">_Sessioon</text>
		<text xml:lang="fi">_Istunto</text>
		<text xml:lang="fr">_Session</text>
		<text xml:lang="gl">_Sesión</text>
		<text xml:lang="he">_תצ×?רת ×?פע×?×?</text>
		<text xml:lang="hu">_Munkamenet</text>
		<text xml:lang="ja">ã?»ã??ã?·ã?§ã?³(_S)</text>
		<text xml:lang="ko">ì?¸ì??(_S)</text>
		<text xml:lang="lt">_Sesija</text>
		<text xml:lang="lv">_Sesija</text>
		<text xml:lang="ms">_Sesi</text>
		<text xml:lang="nl">_Sessie</text>
		<text xml:lang="no">_Sesjon</text>
		<text xml:lang="pl">_Sesja</text>
		<text xml:lang="pt">_Sessão</text>
		<text xml:lang="pt_BR">_Sessão</text>
		<text xml:lang="ro">S_esiune</text>
		<text xml:lang="ru">_СеанÑ?</text>
		<text xml:lang="sk">_Sedenie</text>
		<text xml:lang="sl">_Seja</text>
		<text xml:lang="sv">_Session</text>
		<text xml:lang="vi">_Session</text>
		<text xml:lang="zh_CN">��(_S)</text>
		<text xml:lang="zh_TW">ä½?業é??段(_S)</text>
          <item type="rect" id="system_button" button="true">
            <normal color="#ffffff"/>
	    <show modes="console" type="system"/>
	    <pos y="50%" anchor="w" width="box" height="box"/>
            <box orientation="horizontal" spacing="10" xpadding="10">
	      <item type="pixmap">
	        <normal file="options.png" tint="#dddddd"/>
	        <prelight file="options.png"/>
	        <active file="options.png" tint="#ff0000"/>
	        <pos y="50%" anchor="w"/>
	      <item type="label">
	        <normal color="#000000" font="Sans 14"/>
		<prelight color="#666666" font="Sans 14"/>
		<active color="#ff0000" font="Sans 14"/>
	        <pos y="50%" anchor="w"/>
		<!-- Stock label for: S_ystem -->
		<stock type="system"/>
		<!-- Kept for compatibility with older gdm versions -->
		<text xml:lang="am">á?²á?µá?°á?? (_Y)</text>
		<text xml:lang="be">_СÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ма</text>
		<text xml:lang="bg">_СÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ема</text>
		<text xml:lang="ca">S_istema</text>
		<text xml:lang="cs">S_ystém</text>
		<text xml:lang="da">S_ystem</text>
		<text xml:lang="de">S_ystem</text>
		<text xml:lang="el">_ΣÏ?Ï?Ï?ημα</text>
		<text xml:lang="es">S_istema</text>
		<text xml:lang="et">S_üsteem</text>
		<text xml:lang="fi">_Järjestelmä</text>
		<text xml:lang="fr">S_ystème</text>
		<text xml:lang="gl">S_istema</text>
		<text xml:lang="he">_×?ער×?ת</text>
		<text xml:lang="hu">_Rendszer</text>
		<text xml:lang="ja">ã?·ã?¹ã??ã? (_y)</text>
		<text xml:lang="ko">ì??ì?¤í??(_Y)</text>
		<text xml:lang="lt">S_istema</text>
		<text xml:lang="lv">S_istÄ?ma</text>
		<text xml:lang="ms">S_istem</text>
		<text xml:lang="nl">S_ysteem</text>
		<text xml:lang="no">S_ystem</text>
		<text xml:lang="pl">_Systemowe</text>
		<text xml:lang="pt">S_istema</text>
		<text xml:lang="pt_BR">Sis_tema</text>
		<text xml:lang="ro">_Sistem</text>
		<text xml:lang="ru">_СиÑ?Ñ?ема</text>
		<text xml:lang="sk">S_ystém</text>
		<text xml:lang="sl">_Sistem</text>
		<text xml:lang="sv">S_ystem</text>
		<text xml:lang="vi">_Há»? thá»?ng</text>
		<text xml:lang="zh_CN">系�(_Y)</text>
		<text xml:lang="zh_TW">系統(_Y)</text>
          <item type="rect" id="disconnect_button" button="true">
            <normal color="#ffffff"/>
	    <show modes="flexi,remote"/>
	    <pos y="50%" anchor="w" width="box" height="box"/>
            <box orientation="horizontal" spacing="10" xpadding="10">
	      <item type="pixmap">
	        <normal file="options.png" tint="#dddddd"/>
	        <prelight file="options.png"/>
	        <active file="options.png" tint="#ff0000"/>
	        <pos y="50%" anchor="w"/>
	      <item type="label">
	        <normal color="#000000" font="Sans 14"/>
		<prelight color="#666666" font="Sans 14"/>
		<active color="#ff0000" font="Sans 14"/>
	        <pos y="50%" anchor="w"/>
		<!-- Stock label for: D_isconnect -->
		<stock type="disconnect"/>
		<!-- Kept for compatibility with older gdm versions -->
		<text xml:lang="am">á??á??á??á??á?µ á? á??á?­á?¥ (_I)</text>
		<text xml:lang="be">_Ð?длÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?а</text>
		<text xml:lang="bg">Р_азкаÑ?ва</text>
		<text xml:lang="ca">_Desconnecta</text>
		<text xml:lang="cs">Odpoj_it se</text>
		<text xml:lang="da">_Frakobl</text>
		<text xml:lang="de">_Trennen</text>
		<text xml:lang="el">_Î?Ï?οÏ?Ï?νδεÏ?η</text>
		<text xml:lang="es">D_esconectar</text>
		<text xml:lang="et">_Lahuta ühendus</text>
		<text xml:lang="fi">_Katkaise yhteys</text>
		<text xml:lang="fr">_Déconnecter</text>
		<text xml:lang="gl">D_esconectar</text>
		<text xml:lang="he">×?_תנתק×?ת</text>
		<text xml:lang="hu">_Szétkapcsolódás</text>
		<text xml:lang="ja">æ?¥ç¶?å??æ?­(_i)</text>
		<text xml:lang="ko">ì?°ê²° í?´ì ?(_I)</text>
		<text xml:lang="lt">A_tsijungti</text>
		<text xml:lang="lv">A_tslÄ?gties</text>
		<text xml:lang="ms">P_utus</text>
		<text xml:lang="nl">Verbreek verb_inding</text>
		<text xml:lang="no">Ko_ble fra</text>
		<text xml:lang="pl">_RozÅ?Ä?cz</text>
		<text xml:lang="pt">Desl_igar</text>
		<text xml:lang="pt_BR">D_esconectar</text>
		<text xml:lang="ro">D_econecteazã</text>
		<text xml:lang="ru">_Ð?Ñ?клÑ?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?</text>
		<text xml:lang="sk">_Odpojiť</text>
		<text xml:lang="sl">O_dklopi se</text>
		<text xml:lang="sv">_Koppla från</text>
		<text xml:lang="vi">N_gắt kết n�i</text>
		<text xml:lang="zh_CN">æ?­å¼?è¿?æ?¥(_I)</text>
		<text xml:lang="zh_TW">中���(_I)</text>
	        <show modes="remote"/>
	      <item type="label">
	        <normal color="#000000" font="Sans 14"/>
		<prelight color="#666666" font="Sans 14"/>
		<active color="#ff0000" font="Sans 14"/>
	        <pos y="50%" anchor="w"/>
		<!-- Stock label for: _Quit -->
		<stock type="quit"/>
		<!-- Kept for compatibility with older gdm versions -->
		<text xml:lang="am">á??á?£ (_Q)</text>
		<text xml:lang="be">Ð?_Ñ?йÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?</text>
		<text xml:lang="bg">_Ð?апÑ?Ñ?ка</text>
		<text xml:lang="ca">_Surt</text>
		<text xml:lang="cs">_Konec</text>
		<text xml:lang="da">_Afslut</text>
		<text xml:lang="de">_Beenden</text>
		<text xml:lang="el">_ΤεÏ?μαÏ?ιÏ?μÏ?Ï?</text>
		<text xml:lang="es">_Salir</text>
		<text xml:lang="et">L_õpeta</text>
		<text xml:lang="fi">_Lopeta</text>
		<text xml:lang="fr">_Quitter</text>
		<text xml:lang="gl">Saí_r</text>
		<text xml:lang="he">_×?צ×?×?×?</text>
		<text xml:lang="hu">_Kilépés</text>
		<text xml:lang="ja">��(_Q)</text>
		<text xml:lang="ko">ë??ë?´ê¸°(_Q)</text>
		<text xml:lang="lt">IÅ¡_eiti</text>
		<text xml:lang="lv">_Iziet</text>
		<text xml:lang="ms">_Keluar</text>
		<text xml:lang="nl">_Afsluiten</text>
		<text xml:lang="no">_Avslutt</text>
		<text xml:lang="pl">Za_koÅ?cz</text>
		<text xml:lang="pt">_Sair</text>
		<text xml:lang="pt_BR">Sai_r</text>
		<text xml:lang="ro">_Renunţã</text>
		<text xml:lang="ru">Ð?_Ñ?йÑ?и</text>
		<text xml:lang="sk">_Koniec</text>
		<text xml:lang="sl">_Izhod</text>
		<text xml:lang="sv">_Avsluta</text>
		<text xml:lang="vi">T_hoát</text>
		<text xml:lang="zh_CN">é??å?º(_Q)</text>
		<text xml:lang="zh_TW">é?¢é??(_Q)</text>
	        <show modes="flexi"/>
  <item type="pixmap">
    <normal file="flower.png"/>
    <pos x="100%" y="100%" anchor="se"/>
  <item type="label" id="clock">
    <normal color="#000000" font="Sans 16"/>
    <pos x="-20" y="-37" anchor="e"/>
  <item type="rect" id="mailinfo">
	<normal color="#FFFFFF" alpha="0.5"/>
	 <pos anchor="ne" x="-20" y="20" width="box" height="box"/>
	 <box orientation="vertical" min-width="300" xpadding="10" ypadding="5" spacing="0">
	  <item type="label">
	    <normal color="#000000" font="Sans 12"/>
	    <pos anchor="c" x="50%" y="50%"/>
	    <module type="script" exe="/usr/share/gdm/scripts/popinfo.pl"/>
  <item type="rect" id="caps-lock-warning">
    <normal color="#FFFFFF" alpha="0.5"/>
    <pos anchor="c" x="50%" y="75%" width="box" height="box"/>
    <box orientation="vertical" min-width="400" xpadding="10" ypadding="5" spacing="0">
      <item type="label">
        <normal color="#000000" font="Sans 14"/>
        <pos x="50%" anchor="n"/>
	<!-- Stock label for: You've got capslock on! -->
	<stock type="caps-lock-warning"/>
	<!-- Kept for compatibility with older gdm versions -->
	<text>You've got capslock on!</text>
	<text xml:lang="be">У ваÑ? Ñ?клÑ?Ñ?анÑ? веÑ?Ñ?нÑ? Ñ?Ñ?гÑ?Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?!</text>
	<text xml:lang="bg">Ð?ие имаÑ?е вклÑ?Ñ?ен &apos;capslock&apos;!</text>
	<text xml:lang="ca">Teniu capslock activat!</text>
	<text xml:lang="cs">Máte zapnut Caps Lock!</text>
	<text xml:lang="da">Caps lock-tasten er slået til!</text>
	<text xml:lang="de">Der Dauerumschalter ist aktiviert!</text>
	<text xml:lang="el">Î?Ï?εÏ?ε Ï?α κεÏ?αλαία ενεÏ?γοÏ?οιημένα!</text>
	<text xml:lang="es">Tiene activado el bloqueo de mayúsculas.</text>
	<text xml:lang="et">Sul on caplock peal!</text>
	<text xml:lang="fi">Sinulla on caps lock päällä!</text>
	<text xml:lang="fr">Vous avez la touche Verr. Maj. activé !</text>
	<text xml:lang="gl">¡Tes bloqueo de maiúsculas activado!</text>
	<text xml:lang="he">×? Caps Lock ש×?×? ×?×?×?ק!</text>
	<text xml:lang="hu">A capslock aktív!</text>
	<text xml:lang="ja">ã?­ã?£ã??ã?¹ã?­ã??ã?¯ã??ONã?«ã??ã?¾ã??ã??!</text>
	<text xml:lang="ko">Caps Lockì?´ ì¼?ì ¸ ì??ì?µë??ë?¤!</text>
	<text xml:lang="lt">Jūsų Caps Lock yra įjungtas!</text>
	<text xml:lang="lv">Tev ir ieslÄ?gts capslock!</text>
	<text xml:lang="ms">Anda mempunyai capslock dihidupkan!</text>
	<text xml:lang="nl">Caps-lock staat aan!</text>
	<text xml:lang="no">Du har capslock på!</text>
	<text xml:lang="pl">WÅ?Ä?czony jest klawisz Caps Lock!</text>
	<text xml:lang="pt">Tem o capslock ligado!</text>
	<text xml:lang="pt_BR">Você está com o capslock ligado!</text>
	<text xml:lang="ro">AveÅ£i tasta Caps Lock apasatÄ?!</text>
	<text xml:lang="ru">Ð?лавиÑ?а &quot;Caps Lock&quot; бÑ?ла нажаÑ?а!</text>
	<text xml:lang="sk">Máte zapnutý CAPS LOCK.</text>
	<text xml:lang="sl">VkljuÄ?ene imate velike Ä?rke!</text>
	<text xml:lang="sv">Du har CapsLock på!</text>
	<text xml:lang="vi">Bạn Ä?ang bật CapsLock!</text>
	<text xml:lang="zh_CN">æ?¨ç?? capslock æ??å¼?äº?ï¼?</text>
	<text xml:lang="zh_TW">è«?ç??æ??ä¸?è¦?æ??ä¸? capslockï¼?</text>

  <item type="rect" id="timed-rect">
    <show type="timed"/>
    <normal color="#FFFFFF" alpha="0.5"/>
    <pos anchor="c" x="50%" y="25%" width="box" height="box"/>
    <box orientation="vertical" min-width="400" xpadding="10" ypadding="5" spacing="0">
      <item type="label" id="timed-label">
        <normal color="#000000" font="Sans 14"/>
        <pos x="50%" anchor="n"/>
	<!-- Stock label for: User %s will login in %d seconds -->
	<stock type="timed-label"/>
	<!-- Kept for compatibility with older gdm versions -->
	<text>User %s will login in %d seconds</text>
	<text xml:lang="az">%s istifadÉ?çisi %d saniyÉ? içindÉ? sistemÉ? girÉ?cÉ?kdir</text>
	<text xml:lang="be">Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?нÑ?к %s заÑ?Ñ?гÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?еÑ?Ñ?а пÑ?аз %d Ñ?Ñ?кÑ?ндаÑ?</text>
	<text xml:lang="bg">Ð?оÑ?Ñ?ебиÑ?ел %s Ñ?е влезе %d Ñ?екÑ?нди</text>
	<text xml:lang="ca">L&apos;usuari %s entrarà en %d segons</text>
	<text xml:lang="cs">Uživatel %s bude pÅ?ihlášen za %d vteÅ?in</text>
	<text xml:lang="da">Brugeren %s logger på om %d sekunder</text>
	<text xml:lang="de">Benutzer %s wird in %d Sekunden angemeldet</text>
	<text xml:lang="el">Î? Ï?Ï?ήÏ?Ï?ηÏ? %s θα Ï?Ï?νδεθεί Ï?ε %d δεÏ?Ï?εÏ?Ï?λεÏ?Ï?α</text>
	<text xml:lang="es">El usuario %s accederá en %d segundos</text>
	<text xml:lang="et">Kasutaja %s logitakse sisse %d sekundi pärast</text>
	<text xml:lang="eu">%s erabiltzaileak %d segundo barru hasiko du saioa</text>
	<text xml:lang="fi">käyttäjä %s kirjautuu %d sekunnin kuluttua</text>
	<text xml:lang="fr">L&apos;utilisateur %s se connectera dans %d secondes</text>
	<text xml:lang="gl">A/O usuaria/o %s conectará en %d segundos</text>
	<text xml:lang="he">×?×?שת×?ש %s ×?ת×?×?ר ×?×¢×?×? %d שנ×?×?ת</text>
	<text xml:lang="hu">%s felhasználó beléptetése %d másodperc múlva</text>
	<text xml:lang="ja">���%s�%d�������</text>
	<text xml:lang="ko">ì?¬ì?©ì?? %sì??(ë??) %d ì´? ì?´ë?´ì?? ë¡?ê·¸ì?¸ í??ì?¬ì?¼ í?©ë??ë?¤</text>
	<text xml:lang="lt">Vartotojas %s bus prijungtas per %d sek.</text>
	<text xml:lang="lv">LietotÄ?js %s pieteiksies %d sekundÄ?s</text>
	<text xml:lang="ms">Pengguna %s akan logmasuk dalam %d saat</text>
	<text xml:lang="nl">Gebruiker %s wordt aangemeld over %d seconden</text>
	<text xml:lang="nn">Brukar %s vil logge inn om %d sekund</text>
	<text xml:lang="no">Bruker %s vil logge på om %d sekunder</text>
	<text xml:lang="pl">Użytkownik %s zostanie zalogowany w ciÄ?gu %d sekund</text>
	<text xml:lang="pt">Utilizador %s iniciará sessão em %d segundos</text>
	<text xml:lang="pt_BR">O usuário %s efetuará login em %d segundos</text>
	<text xml:lang="ro">Utilizatorul %s va fi logat în %d secunde</text>
	<text xml:lang="ru">Ð?олÑ?зоваÑ?елÑ? %s бÑ?деÑ? заÑ?егеÑ?Ñ?Ñ?иÑ?ован в Ñ?еÑ?ении %d Ñ?екÑ?нд</text>
	<text xml:lang="sk">Používateľ %s bude automaticky prihlásený za %d sekúnd</text>
	<text xml:lang="sl">Uporabnik %s se bo prijavil v %d sekundah</text>
	<text xml:lang="sv">Användaren %s kommer att logga in om %d sekunder</text>
	<text xml:lang="tr">%s kullanıcısı %d saniye içinde giriÅ? yapacak</text>
	<text xml:lang="vi">NgÆ°á»?i dùng %s sẽ Ä?Ä?ng nhập trong vòng %d giây</text>
	<text xml:lang="zh_CN">ç?¨æ?· %s å°?å?¨ %d ç§?å??ç?»å½?</text>
	<text xml:lang="zh_TW">使ç?¨è?? %s å°?æ??å?¨ %d å?§ç?»å?¥</text>

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	<text>Welcome to %h</text>
	<text xml:lang="be">Ð?алÑ? лаÑ?ка Ñ? %h</text>
	<text xml:lang="bg">Ð?обÑ?е доÑ?ли в %h</text>
	<text xml:lang="ca">Benvingut a %h</text>
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	<text xml:lang="de">Willkommen auf %h</text>
	<text xml:lang="el">Î?αλÏ?Ï? ήλθαÏ?ε Ï?Ï?ο %h</text>
	<text xml:lang="es">Bienvenido a %h</text>
	<text xml:lang="et">Tere tulemast masinasse %h</text>
	<text xml:lang="fi">%h - tervetuloa.</text>
	<text xml:lang="fr">Bienvenue sur %h</text>
	<text xml:lang="gl">Benvida/o a %h</text>
	<text xml:lang="he">×?ר×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?×? ×? -  %h</text>
	<text xml:lang="hu">%h üdvözli �nt!</text>
	<text xml:lang="ja">%h ã?¸ã??ã??ã??ã??</text>
	<text xml:lang="ko">%nì?? ì?¤ì?  ê²?ì?? í??ì??í?©ë??ë?¤</text>
	<text xml:lang="lt">Sveiki atvykÄ? į %h</text>
	<text xml:lang="lv">Laipni lūgti %h</text>
	<text xml:lang="ms">Selamat Datang ke %h</text>
	<text xml:lang="nl">Welkom bij %h</text>
	<text xml:lang="no">Velkommen til %h</text>
	<text xml:lang="pl">Witaj w systemie %h</text>
	<text xml:lang="pt">Bem Vindo ao %h</text>
	<text xml:lang="pt_BR">Bem-vindo a %h</text>
	<text xml:lang="ro">Bine aţi venit la %h</text>
	<text xml:lang="ru">Ð?обÑ?о пожаловаÑ?Ñ? на Ñ?еÑ?веÑ? %h</text>
	<text xml:lang="sk">Víta vás %h</text>
	<text xml:lang="sl">Dobrodošli na %h</text>
	<text xml:lang="sv">Välkommen till %h</text>
	<text xml:lang="vi">Chào mừng t�i %h</text>
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	<text xml:lang="am">á?¨á?°á? á??á?? á?µá??á?¦</text>
	<text xml:lang="az">Ä°stifadÉ?çi Adı:</text>
	<text xml:lang="be">Ð?мÑ? каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?нÑ?ка:</text>
	<text xml:lang="bg">Ð?ме:</text>
	<text xml:lang="ca">Nom d&apos;usuari:</text>
	<text xml:lang="cs">Uživatel:</text>
	<text xml:lang="da">Brugernavn:</text>
	<text xml:lang="de">Benutzername:</text>
	<text xml:lang="el">Î?νομα ΧÏ?ήÏ?Ï?η:</text>
	<text xml:lang="es">Nombre de usuario:</text>
	<text xml:lang="et">Kasutajanimi:</text>
	<text xml:lang="eu">Erabiltzaile-izena:</text>
	<text xml:lang="fi">Käyttäjätunnus:</text>
	<text xml:lang="fr">Identifiant :</text>
	<text xml:lang="gl">Usuaria/o:</text>
	<text xml:lang="he">ש×? ×?שת×?ש:</text>
	<text xml:lang="hu">Felhasználó:</text>
	<text xml:lang="ja">���ID:</text>
	<text xml:lang="ko">ì?¬ì?©ì??ì?´ë¦?:</text>
	<text xml:lang="lt">Vartotojo vardas:</text>
	<text xml:lang="lv">LietotÄ?jvÄ?rds:</text>
	<text xml:lang="ms">Nama Pengguna:</text>
	<text xml:lang="nl">Gebruikersnaam:</text>
	<text xml:lang="nn">Brukarnamn:</text>
	<text xml:lang="no">Brukernavn:</text>
	<text xml:lang="pl">Nazwa użytkownika:</text>
	<text xml:lang="pt">Utilizador:</text>
	<text xml:lang="pt_BR">Nome do usuário:</text>
	<text xml:lang="ro">Nume utilizator:</text>
	<text xml:lang="ru">Ð?мÑ? полÑ?зоваÑ?елÑ?:</text>
	<text xml:lang="sk">Používateľské meno:</text>
	<text xml:lang="sl">Uporabniško ime:</text>
	<text xml:lang="sv">Användarnamn:</text>
	<text xml:lang="uk">Ð?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?:</text>
	<text xml:lang="vi">Tên ngư�i dùng:</text>
	<text xml:lang="zh_CN">ç?¨æ?·å??ï¼?</text>
	<text xml:lang="zh_TW">ç?¨æ?¶å??稱ï¼?</text>
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