GDM screenlock: graphic login manager

Hi all.

I'm new in this group. I would like to discus a feature which I find very usefull and relatively simple to do.

The main functionality of GDM now is to manage system entrance and display login screen. It works just perfect in case when workstation is being used by one person at a moment.

Imagine the situation when several people are working on a graphic workstation and their work time often overlap. For example, I work in the morning. Just before next worker should take the place I lock the screen and to get some food. Next one comming, the screen is locked. This is the situation.

I know there are ways to have several sessions but they are ugly. I can start through "startx -- :1", I can setup GDM to run on vt7 and vt8 and so on, but this is not flexible.

If you got chance to use WinXP you'll understand what I'm talking about.

If there is a way to run several sessions on one X-Server and have a manager which can manage logins and lock screens that would be perfect.

I'm not X-Server expert, so I'm not sertain if that's good idea. But, i though that it shouldn't be big problem to, for example, use X's WorkPlaces to split different user sessions.

For example,
GDM initially runs on WorkPlace0.
When user1 logs in. He get's to Workplace1. He still have as many ViewPorts as he likes. When he locks the screen, it get's you back to WorkPlace0, and to get back to Workplace1 you have to type password.

In this case you can run as many user sessions as you like and don't have problems with "locked screen".

Please tell me what you think.

Best regards,

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