>>>>> "Paul" == Paul Gillooly <pgillooly es alpnet com> writes:

Paul> in one it seems you are saying that it is possible to do XDMCP
Paul> (using the chooser, how else is it useful?) 

XDMCP is a well-defined protocol for managing remote displays.
Choosing is an xdm hack for broken X-terminals.

Paul> Now please forgive me if this is really silly but can I setup
Paul> GDM so that I can startup Linux on my machine and use it to
Paul> login (and start an X session) on a Sun machine downstairs?

If you just want to use the Linux box as X-terminal, I'd recommend

        X -query <hostname of Sun>

in one of your rc files.

You can get access to the Sun's chooser by doing

        X -indirect <hostname of Sun>

(This is what GDM doesn't support -- yet).

Martin K. Petersen	Principal Linux Consultant, Linuxcare, Inc.		XFS, Linux/PA-RISC, GNOME, SunSITE Denmark

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