Re: [gDesklets] Control for Requesters (IInformer, IInformant, IInteraction, IRequester, ...??)

On 05/30/2010 03:53 PM, Bjoern Koch wrote:
> Buttons:
> - provided as [[value, text[, path_to_icon]], ...]

I'll suggest for uniformity that you only allow stock icons:
and default to the stock text.

Maybe it would be easier (or more uniform with gD core) to implement this
like in utils/

> - return "value" of the clicked button or NULL ( or None or "") if
> requester was destroyed

Sounds good.  That or the index of the button in the list provided.

> So we will have two horizontal boxes (h1 - the left box for the main
> icon - and h2) in the top (v1) of two vertical boxes (v1 and v2).
> Depending on the main icon (always in h1) we can switch the boxes on and
> off accordingly:
> - "no main icon" will hide h1 and v2 and the text will be displayed in h2
> - "main icon left to the text" will hide v2 and the text will be
> displayed in h2
> - "main icon above the text" will hide h2 and the text will be displayed
> in v2

Maybe too complicated for the average developer, but I imagine you'll have a
good way of documenting it in the develbook (so I'm not set on you
implementing this for the first time around) :)

Good work, I'm looking forward to using it.


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