Re: [gDesklets] Access objects from classes

Mario Gonzalez kirjoitti:
On 07/11/2007, Lauri Kainulainen <lauri sokkelo net> wrote:
One solution would be to give containers a method like
setAttribute(attrName, value) that does the change of value and
refreshes the view.

Any other ideas, anyone?

  I think I found a solution. Maybe it isn't elegant but:

1) I wrote a function inside a .display file
2) I hacked file and I added something like the next
paragraph inside a method:

  dsp = self.__containers[0]._Window__display
  scriptlet = Scriptlet("change_img()", dsp._Display__display_file)

 Now (writing this email) I think I could use the "scriptlet" from the file and avoid the import Scriptlet in

 So, with this "solution" (is this really a solution?) I'm able to
access to any object inside a .display file.

Is the purpose of this work to enable displays to get access to all their elements of a certain type? E.g. get access to all labels as you mentioned earlier?

If this is the case, would it be best to introduce a method like "getElementsOfType( typename )" to Dsp class? So developers would do something like this:

for label in Dsp.getElementsOfType('label'):
    # do something with the label element

Is that what you're looking for?


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