Re: [gDesklets] gDBuilder


> A good question. It seems we're having three (!) repositories at the
> moment. In my opinion, we should use the old GNOME repo only for
> 0.3x stuff since everything is already there.
> Maybe Chris' own repo should backup or sync the launchpad repo?
> Any ideas, anyone?

Well, three repos are of course far too much.
It is already a bit confusing with so many sites being involved
(, gnome svn and bugzilla, launchpad and the wiki). But
moving too many things around right now isn't a good choice either (IMHO).
I guess it would be a good idea to make a "version based cut", like
everything about 0.40.x will move (only/exclusively) to launchpad,
including the bug system (?).
Anything about 0.35.x will stay where it is (Gnome).

Less confusing and as soon as 0.40 is out and 0.35.x "stopped" things
will fall down to one (or two) sites.

Just my five cents.. ;).

Greetings, Bjoern

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