Re: [gDesklets] [PROPOSAL] Controls in 0.40


Rodney Dowdall wrote:
> Hello
> On 4/21/07, *Lauri Kainulainen* <lauri sokkelo net
> <mailto:lauri sokkelo net>> wrote:
>     Hi all,
>     I'm currently planning the control support for 0.40. Obviously we
>     shouldn't move too far from the current scheme to stay backwards
>     compatible, but a few improvements could be added.
>     Currently it works like this:
>     - controls are loaded by the <control> tag inside displays like this:
>        <control id="rss" interface="IRSS:3gikhdozrkx0l00hqqm0azqqk-2"/>
>     - controls are stored inside ~/.gdesklets/Controls/$CONTROLNAME, for
>     example ~/.gdesklets/Controls/GetHTML
>     We have a lengthy discussion on the wiki at
>     <> ,
>     but there is no consensus yet :)
>     Now here's my first proposal. A very simple one with two aims:
>     1. support for multiple versions of controls installed
> Not sure about this.  Why would you need to support multiple versions of
> the same Control?

Well in an ideal world I wouldn't, but here I would like to keep the
option to do so basically because some of the controls eventually won't
be backwards compatible.

This could, however, be a feature for 0.40.1 or something. Because we
have to be backwards compatible and support controls in
~/.gdesklets/Controls/MyControl we could add optional support for
~/.gdesklets/Controls/MyControl/0.6 if the desklet has the version tag
in the display file. Otherwise just choose
~/.gdesklets/Controls/MyControl or the greatest of the numbers inside
that dir.

It would also speed up 0.40 since the Desklet control (perhaps the
future supported way of installing everything) does things according to
the older way, e.g. without the support for different versions.

>     2. get rid of the ID-tag
> Definitely agree with this.  This is an excellent idea.
>     So:
>     - controls stored inside ~/.gdesklets/Controls dir by versions. E.g.
>     ~/.gdesklets/Controls/GetHTML/0.5/ (version information is fetched
>     directly from the site, no meta information needed if not wanted)
>     - controls are loaded simply by <control id="rss"
>     interface="IRSS"/>. We
>     could use a "version" attribute to force a certain version of the
>     control.
>     Should be backwards compatible (just ignore the ID-tag of older
>     desklets) and provides a simpler approach to desklet developers.
>     Whaddaya think?
>     greets,
>     lauri
>     --
>     Lauri Kainulainen
>     » lauri sokkelo net <mailto:lauri sokkelo net>
>     »
>     » +35840 7225101
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Lauri Kainulainen
 » lauri sokkelo net
 » +35840 7225101

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