Re: gnome-terminal does not start

Le vendredi 10 février 2006 à 10:16 -0500, jason cipriani a écrit :
> Well, this may or may not help you, but when I start having weird problems with gconf it's always been permissions problems for me. One time I messed with some of the .gconf folders and inadvertently changed the permissions on them, and so nothing was working. You could *try* this to make sure they are correct:
> cd ~theuser
> chown -R theuser:theuser .gconf .gconfd
> chmod 700 -R .gconf .gconfd
> find .gconf -type f -exec chmod 600 {} \;
> find .gconfd -type f -exec chmod 600 {} \;
> Jason

I've applied your trick and then I've added the dozen of new profiles I
use and I restarted gconfd and it seems to work.
But, since the problem appeared when I rebooted my PC, I will be able to
say that it REALLY works again once I've rebooted again ...
Also, "yum update gnome-terminal" still shows no new version of
Since I have many things to do, I'll wait for a while ... hoping FC4
will provide a new version that definitely fixes this problem.
Thanks for your help!
In case, do you know if there is a way to trace the behavior of Gnome so
that I will produce some more useful information if the problems is
still there after next reboot ?

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