Re: Major problem with gconf mandatory settings.

Hi Marcin,

Marcin Antczak wrote:
Recently I was learning about gconf and found information about mandatory settings.

This is very important GConf feature - very usable for administrators etc. But this implies a major bug in almost all gnome applications with gconf support.

I don't think it is quite as bad. But it is true that applications need to be aware of this possibility to create the proper user experience.

My english is poor so simple CLI example:

gconftool-2 --direct --config-source xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory/ --type string --set /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename /home/marcin/ncube-1600.jpg

And now every user has wallpaper set to /home/marcin/ncube-1600.jpg - just because root wants to.

This is nice but then user can run application called gnome-background-properties and can try to change wallpaper.

In this case gnome-background-properties should notice that the setting is locked and disable the change. At the very least it should report an error when saving the change to gconf fails.

But wallpaper will not change because user settings are overriden with mandatory settings - while user _will not have an idea about this_.
And propably will think that gnome-background-properties is just broken.

If gnome-background-properties neither reflects the lockdown in advance nor reports that the change failed because the setting is locked down, then it *is* broken.

The problem is that this scenario can be applied in any application - for example in eog we can in mandatory settings turn off toolbar - and user can try to turn on toolbar in "view" menu to the end of time...

Again, this is the responsibility of the application. The preferred way of supporting this is to disable the control, the fallback is to report the failure.

In my opinion this is a serious "structural" bug in gnome preferences system.

If this problem is as wide-spread as you think (I am afraid you are probably right), then it is a 'structural' bug in gnome application programming. It is probably caused by the fact that the feature hasn't been that widely used and that hackers rarely work in locked down environments.

But it is not a bug in the preference system. There are similar potential issues with e.g. files. If an application does not care whether a file is write-protected and doesn't report an error if saving data fails because of missing permissions, then it isn't the file system that is broken.

And I'am writing about this here because I don't know where exactly report this as a bug - gconf bug? Or maybe prepare a hundred of bug reports for each application that uses gconf?

It really is the latter. An this is work in progress. We've been trying to report or fix such bugs when we encounter them.

BTW: This isn't restricted to gconf and gnome applications. There are similar lockdown mechanisms in the mozilla and configuration systems - and there are similar problems when that is actually used.

I think that this has to be resolved - and I suppose that solution should be "centralized" - some kind of notification system, but I'm not C developer only system administrator and user.
And I'm asking for an advise - what do you think what to do with this?

I'm afraid there really isn't a way to centralize the solution.

Ciao, Joerg

Joerg Barfurth              Sun Microsystems - Desktop - Hamburg
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