Re: remote configuration sources

"Kenneth Lierman Jr." <kliermanm bigfoot com> writes: 
> Anyway, i'm interrested in GConf's remote configuration sources.... how
> would i point GConf at a remote system to get/store it's configuration? 
> Can i use a URL like:
> xml:readonly:
> or ?  Can you only use the ldap or some other backend to do remote
> configuration storage?

Remote backends are just theoretical right now - there's an LDAP
backend posted to the list a couple times, check the archives, but I
haven't had time to try it out.

Anyhow, stock GConf doesn't come with a working remote
backend. (Except maybe the XML backend over NFS.)

> Also, are there any conventions regarding applications storing some of
> their parameters locally (maybe sizes, window positions, whatever) and
> other things remotely (really globally, since they'd be shared across
> hosts).

This is a pretty involved topic, there are some decent threads in the
archives about it. 

Here is an old message:

The thoughts in that message evolved a bit, there are more recent


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