Specification of gconf keys (fwd)

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Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 22:54:16 +0200 (CEST)
From: Mathias Hasselmann <mathias hasselmann gmx de>
To: "hp redhat com" <hp redhat com>
Cc: "marco it gnome org" <marco it gnome org>
Subject: Specification of gconf keys

Hi Havoc,

	While hacking (a little bit) on Galeon I've realized that gconf's
docs contain now real spec about how to build gconf keys. It would be very
helpful for both (gconf hackers and gconf users) to have a regular
expression describing how valid gconf key names look like. From what I
know about gconf up to now this might be good start:

	<key>          ::= '/' <toplevel-dir> ( '/' <path-element> )+
	<toplevel-dir> ::= ( 'schemas' | 'apps' | 'desktop' | 'system' |
			     'extra' )
	<path-element> ::= ( <alphanum> | <path-extra> ) {1,PATH_MAX}
	<alphanum>     ::= <digit> | <letter>
	<digit>	       ::= [0-9]
	<letter>       ::= [A-Za-z]
	<path-extra>   ::= '-', '_', ...

	Is there a maximal length for gconf keys?

WWW:           http://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/~hasselma/
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