Re: rpm:s

Dennis Bjorklund <db zigo dhs org> writes:
> What is the suggested way to create rpm:s for programs that use gconf?
> Typically a make install runs gconftool to install the schema files, and
> that is of course not good if you run the make install as part of building
> an rpm. I've seen src.rpm:s that do this and it "workes" when you build it
> as root, which is something I never do.
> So, one is supposed to use gconftool to install schemas, but how do one
> uninstall them? The resulting rpm must be possible to uninstall.
> If one compare with info files, these are installed where they should be
> and then one run install-info. Shall one do something similar and install
> the schema in /etc/gconf/schemas/ and then run gconftool?
> It would be good with some guidelines since a lot of people create rpm:s
> and if different rpm:s use different methodes it can be a problem?

My suggestion is:

 - make install should not run gconftool, or the results of running it 
   should be ignored
 - in %post, run gconftool on the schema files, installing to a
   backend determined by distribution policy
 - don't worry about uninstall, there's no real advantage to removing
   schemas from the database (in fact they should probably remain so 
   people can decipher settings that remain in their personal database)


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