
What is the suggested way to create rpm:s for programs that use gconf?

Typically a make install runs gconftool to install the schema files, and
that is of course not good if you run the make install as part of building
an rpm. I've seen src.rpm:s that do this and it "workes" when you build it
as root, which is something I never do.

So, one is supposed to use gconftool to install schemas, but how do one
uninstall them? The resulting rpm must be possible to uninstall.

If one compare with info files, these are installed where they should be
and then one run install-info. Shall one do something similar and install
the schema in /etc/gconf/schemas/ and then run gconftool?

It would be good with some guidelines since a lot of people create rpm:s
and if different rpm:s use different methodes it can be a problem?


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