Re: gconf chomping RAM

monkeyiq dingoblue net au writes:
>     I decided to not rock any boats and just use C. My current problem
> is that I had to force kill gconf a few times (my code was not so
> good)...
> now when I start gconf it starts chomping RAM and never stops...
> the chomping is quite fast, it could prolly take 200Mb of real RAM
> in about 10secs.

This is 0.11? This has been reported a few times, but no one has ever
given me sufficient information to reproduce it.

See if ~/.gconfd/saved_state is really big, and if so, I'd like to get
a copy (but don't mail it to the list ;-)

If you had set up a user syslog to see gconf messages, maybe send me
the log for a given gconfd PID that uses all the memory.
(To set up a user syslog, add a line "user.* /var/log/user" to
/etc/syslog.conf and restart syslogd with "/etc/rc.d/init.d/syslog
restart" or "/etc/init.d/syslog restart")

> I will probably just implement a static exe to test my API impl so that
> I can get the backend going still.
> is the README still acurate, the "SO ALPHA" comment for gconf?

It's not quite as alpha, but still has bugs no doubt. If you could
give me enough information to reproduce this one it would be helpful.


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