How to run GARNOME using Xnest, a nested X server

A useful way to test GARNOME is to run GARNOME using Xnest, a nested X

        [from the man page]
        Xnest is a client and a server. Xnest is a client of the real
        server which manages windows and graphics requests on its
        behalf. Xnest is a server to its own clients. Xnest manages
        windows and graphics requests on their behalf. To these clients
        Xnest appears to be a conventional server.

(1) create a new test-user account

        for example: user = test-user,  group = test-user

As the new test-user:

(2) create a bin directory in the new test-user's home directory

(3) copy the two attached files to that bin directory

(4) make those two files executable
chmod +x xinitrc.garnome xnest.garnome

(5) edit xinitrc.garnome to reflect your GARNOME installation
[set GARNOME to the top of your install tree]

You are almost ready to launch.

(6) allow the new test-user to make connections to the X server

        In another window where you are logged in as the user that owns
        the desktop and X server, run
                xhost +test-user
(7) change permissions on various /dev files to allow access by

If you want test-user to have access to sound and other devices that you
can currently access, you need to adjust the permissions accordingly.
Look in /dev for files that you own and change permission to 666.

(8) Launch time...

As test-user run:

        ~/bin/xnest.garnome &



joseph_sacco [at] comcast [dot] net

Attachment: xinitrc.garnome
Description: application/shellscript

Attachment: xnest.garnome
Description: application/shellscript

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